Monday, December 07, 2009

Too Much Of A Good Thing!

There are people all over the world who would be glad to receive even a fraction of the rain that has fallen here during November and now into December - if only we could send them some it would be wonderful! To be fair December 1st started well with a crisp frost and fantastic colours in the sky, but that soon changed and we were back to rain/wind/hail once more. So the fields are still water-logged, the horses blame us for the weather, and we are getting through a lot of towels drying off the dogs several times a day. Never mind, the shortest day is approaching, quickly followed by Christmas and the nice clean page of a New Year - let's be optimistic for the weather in 2010!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wild November

Far too much rain and wind so far this month - plus some fog & frost for good measure! Today started well, feeding the horses was quite enjoyable under sun and blue sky (ignoring the water-logged ground) but whilst admiring a perfect rainbow the heavens suddenly opened and we were soon very wet indeed! However, putting our trust in the forecast, we later went off to Aberaeron for lunch and were rewarded with a very pleasant drive. As usual the town makes me think of Toytown with so many colourfully painted houses, especially around the harbour, even on a grey day there is an air of cheerfullness as well as a reminder of a more leisurely age.

We had a good look at the new harbour wall with its impressive defences against the sea - the size and number of the rocks/boulders that have been put in place is truly amazing - then had a well earned & enjoyable lunch at The Harbourmaster before returning home refreshed.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Seasonal changes & Welsh Cobs still for sale!

The first autumn frost appeared last Saturday morning, so it was time to dig out the sweatshirts once more to ward off the chill! We took advantage of the lovely sunny day to drive out to the reservoir of Lyn Brianne through the beautiful Cothi Valley - a drive admittedly much easier for passengers to enjoy than drivers owing to the narrowness of the road - we had a pleasant walk by the lake with our two wildly excited dogs and then ambled home by a different route, very relaxing!

Trees are changing colour and leaves drifting down at the slightest breeze these days, the horses are beginning to look rather woolly as their winter coats grow in, the first load of hay has been ordered, we are definitely getting into a winter mind-set.

More photos of Nantgwinau Cadno Coch who has been advertised on several sites recently with surprisingly little interest in such a handsome chap - too much competition perhaps with over 1000 entries in the Builth Cob Sales last weekend. Still it would be nice to have someone come and take a look at least! We also still have the yearling colt Nantgwinau Cadog - see previous post - all reasonable offers considered for either of them.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Stud Visit 2009

We seem to be having Summer at last, the last 10 days or so have been largely sunny and really enjoyable. This was especially so on Thursday 17th when we were visited by 14 members of the South Western Association of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society - a very friendly happy group at the start of their stud visiting tour of Ceredigion. In spite of having only 6 Cobs to show them they were very appreciative, with much chatting & photographing nearly an hour and a half sped by before they had to leave. We really enjoyed their visit and were surprised but delighted to receive a large Stud Visit 2009 Rosette, plus a bottle of wine! A very happy occasion indeed, best wishes to all Pony & Cob people in the South West.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Farewell Summer?

Well, after a really sunny weekend, the weather has become a little grey once more - but still dry thank goodness! The last of our swallows left on Saturday, we think there were three broods in the barn this year and a couple of young ones caused some excitement during training flights by flying into the kitchen by mistake. The Last Night of the Proms was also on Saturday, it always makes me feel that summer is really over and that it is time to start thinking about Christmas and surviving the winter!

At the moment we are making preparations for a visit from members of the South Western Assoc. of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society on Thursday. It is quite a while since we have hosted a stud visit and will certainly be a shock for our Cobs to see so many people (about 15) at one time! Here's hoping for good weather and that our visitors will like what they see - a report on the event will be posted as soon as we have recovered!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Welsh Cobs for sale and "Trust me, I'm a Dealer"

Dear me I had a senior moment there and forgot to mention our other young Cob for sale, that is Nantgwinau Cadno Coch, a very handsome 3 year old gelding who would really appreciate some one-to-one attention. More details are on our updated Nantgwinau website but here is a photo to whet the appetite!

Now then, more horsey news - Paul Martin of "Flog It" fame has started a new show called "Trust Me, I'm a Dealer" and in tomorrow's episode (Wed 2 Sept) will be seen at the Elisabeth Curtis Centre for Disabled Riders, Bromham, Bedford, trying to help raise money for a new pony. I spent many happy years helping at that Centre before we moved to Wales in 1990, and I am looking forward to seeing how they get on with their quest. You can find the Centre website on our links page, a very worthy cause to support.

Another washout Summer!

Well here we go again, another summer when our hanging baskets had to be taken down before then end of August - too much wetness & wind, not long enough warm dry spells to encourage the plants to perk up. Also the canopy on our swing seat was more often collecting water than protecting us from the sun - in fact the birds became quite used to bathing in it!

However earlier in the year was more cheerful, and at the end of June we were lucky enough to have a lovely weekend to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary with a family dinner party at the Falcondale Mansion Hotel in Lampeter. Excellent food and relaxed atmosphere there as usual, a lovely occasion all together. So we are now "golden oldies" how time flies when your are having fun!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Welcome home Pendam Sally

Well Pendam Sally is home again after spending 2 years at the Taraco Stud in Kent. As reported in an earlier post Sally was put in foal to the very handsome Danaway Desert Storm and produced a lovely colt early last year, but very sadly he died soon after birth. She lost condition and had to have quite a few teeth removed but came through last winter quite well - however she then lost condition again and it was decided that she should come home into retirement once more. Very many thanks to Tara & Simon for all their devotion and excellent care, just such a shame that the result was not what we were all hoping for.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Farewell to old friends

Sadly have to report the death of our small friend Ivy at the age of 16 yrs. She was always pleased to greet visitors and be fussed over, unlike her sister Holly who is more inclined to say "bah! humbug!" and stalk off in a huff! Ivy had poor health for a long time but was very tough and was always willing to see off any itinerant cats who dared to set foot on her patch, we miss her small but determined personality.

Last month we also had to say goodbye to our very gentle collie Lady, who was probably about the same age as Ivy but had been with us for 13 years. She was not very keen to have her photo taken but here is one taken on a visit to Teifi Pools a few years ago.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Welsh Cobs For Sale

This is Nantgwinau Cadog our yearling colt by Geler Sparc x Rhandir Farwel Haf by Rhandir Cadno, born 31 May 08.
A very smart fellow, quick to learn, good natured - though with the usual wish to use his teeth on everything!
We think well worth £1000.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Well we are now halfway through 2009 and seriously behind in news items! Brief summary:-

The winter was reasonably normal until February when extreme cold caused our mains water supply to freeze, and it stayed that way for a week! Much hacking out of ice from the field tanks ensued, to be melted on the Rayburn and then taken out again - this was supplemented by many contributions from our very kind neighbours, an interesting experience but we were very glad to return to normal.

Spring eventually broke through, as usual the wild daffodils were well ahead of their cultivated cousins, followed by snowdrops & pussy willow, and a general unfolding of greenery. This year seems to have been very good for bluebells, gorse, and laburnam - the latter grows like a weed in the hedgerows in these parts. By now the garden flowers and hanging baskets are joining in the fun, let's just hope for a more settled summer than the last two so that we get a good show of colour into the autumn.

No foals this year (on purpose) but we are hoping to sell our two "boys" fairly soon, Cadno Coch is now a really attractive chestnut 3 year old gelding, ready to start schooling and hopefully he will be as enthusiastic as his older brother & sister - Desert Fox and Croeso Haf. Our bay yearling colt Cadog is extremely handsome and naturally we think full of potential!

The 3 mares Ffarwel Haf, Rosina, and Rachel are all "resting" at the moment. Rachel looks like a good ridden cob prospect so possibly that will be her future rather than breeding.